Friday 9 May 2014

Medical Courses contd...


                       Ayurveda is one of the ancient system of medicine. It has the concept of holistic medicine. Ayurvedic treatment not only cures the disease but also prevents the recurrence of the disease. Ayuvedic treatment uses natural products and improves the immunity of body against the disease. In Ayurvedic concept, diseases occur when a person is out of harmony with the  three elements called doshas, Vata (air & space – “wind”), Pitta (fire & water – “bile”) and Kapha (water & earth – “phlegm”). The treatment includes eliminating impurities, reducing symptoms, increasing resistance to disease, reducing worry and increasing harmony in the patient’s life. Ayurvedic treatments in Kerala is well known world wide, which has increased the flow of foreigners to Kerala for natural Ayurvedic treatments in health resorts and spa centres. Because of these huge demand so many fake spa centres without license and qualified doctors are mushrooming. They exploit the foreigners passion for Ayurveda. Now Government has taken so many measures to prevent this. Thus the demand for skilled and qualified ayurvedic doctors are very high now. After completing the degree, you  can opt a domain of Research, Health Supervisor, General Practice or Hospital Administration. Government and private hospitals, dispensaries, colleges, research institutes, colleges, ayurveda health centres, spas, resorts, pharmaceutical companies etc are the major recruiters of Ayurveda doctors.

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